Algorithms are My Friends
‘ Aging Out.’ I heard the words used last week referring to golf organizations whose memberships are shrinking because elderly golfers...
A Pantser's Best Friend: Research!
You already know I’m a pantser as a writer, which means each day I sit down in my office chair, place my fingers on the keyboard…and...
When Truth Mirrors Fiction
With a virgin small-boat cruise around the Great Lakes under my belt, I’ve taken to reading cruise brochures from Viking, Seaborne,...
A Virgin Cruise
Any virgin experience upsets a person’s schema, especially if that human, me, has lived more than seventy years. By now, I have adopted...
Happy Anniversary!
Most couples dutifully celebrate their wedding anniversaries yearly. Comic bits about men forgetting the important date always make us...
In Celebration of Local Bookstores
They’re back! In many small towns across the United State, bookstores are re-taking their rightful places on main street America. Even my...
I have relationships with two Starbucks coffee shops in Arroyo Grande, California, and I’m proud of it! You’ve heard about how important...
Are you at ease with letting go of useless, or irrational habits? I had no idea I was a virgin at dropping silly rituals until I started...
The Joy of Cooking Lefse
My siblings, pictured below, enjoy the baking and cooking rituals taught to us by our parents and grandparents. My sister and I attended...
Never say never…to NaNoWriMo’
“Don’t wait to start writing. Write every day, even if you don’t have anything to say” These are my words, parsed with verve, to anyone,...