A Makeover, Kinda
I strain to squeeze out the very last toothpaste in a tube. When my shampoo stops pumping, I turn the container over and shake the...
The Truth About Bees
I’m embarrassed to admit how little I knew about bees before I started my newest National Park mystery. I could conjure a honey bee and a...
Travel Photos: Which ones do you keep forever?
I tried a new approach during my month-long trip to Europe. I cut my picture-taking to one quarter of the amount I usually snap. Why? In...
Have I Got an Idea for Your Next Novel!
Writers are lucky. As soon as we let strangers know we make up stories and publish them, we’re greeted with smiles and comments of...
Pinnacles National Park: A Setting Worth A Story
“Show me a picture of your house. Outside and inside, please.” Setting matters to me. Does it to you? When I’m getting to know people...
Authors are Tough on Their Characters!
I don’t know exactly when nor why I chose to saddle the heroine of When Winds Howl with my cancer. I wasn’t being sadistic, nor was I...
Before, during, and after writing a novel, the dedication and acknowledgement page is always on an author’s mind. Including one in the...
WHEN WINDS HOWL Launches in 2024!
I yearn for the day when fans of my books, thousands of them, bug me to name the month my next book comes out. But because I haven’t...
The Benefits of Planning Ahead
Covid and my bout with cancer made me a shut-in for two years, but since the world’s population was affected by the virus, immobility...
A Revisit: 1971 and 2023- Lake Louise, Alberta Canada
Travelers yearn to visit interesting places all over the world, and with so many sites to choose from, the decision to revisit a place is...