The Power of Gatherings
Vaccinations and new medications are carving a healthier future for us all. The timing couldn’t be better with Thanksgiving and Christmas...

Why Didn’t I Know About This 20 Years Ago?
1. Steaming eggs to hardboiled stage makes them a cinch to peel. I enjoy making deviled eggs nowadays. 2. Pushing up my long...

Pardon me for using my blog to contemplate point of view
Pardon me for using my blog to contemplate point of view. I wouldn’t bend your ear except that I’m a little nervous about changing up my...

An Author’s Drug of Choice: Great Reviews
In the quietude and self-isolation brought on by the pandemic, I thought I would write hundreds of brilliant scenes and end up publishing...

The Magic of Ten
Americans like to mark life’s high points in multiples of ten’s, and I’ve often wondered why. In July, my husband and I will celebrate...

How I’ve missed seeing people smile, and how much I appreciate the unveiling of facial expressions on strangers’ faces after more than a...

The Writer as Gambler
The Urban Dictionary tells us that "Betting on the Come is derived from a gambling expression and means you don’t have what you want or...

How Did this Writer Fare During COVID 2020-2021?
Full disclosure: On March 3rd, I got my second vaccine, now among 10% of the population protected from COVID. And since I’m an Indie...

Covid and Boats: Close Quarters
Close Quarters. Covid gave us a new appreciation for the term. Parents crowded in homes with their children; couples worked remotely,...

A Book-a-Year Author: Fast or Slow?
I’m a book-a-year author. The general public tells me my pace is commendable. My readers say: “I zipped through your book in a...