A Source of Conflict: Field Dependency (or not)
I am a gatherer of heuristics (think ‘Eureka!’ to remember this word if it’s new to you). As a high school teacher of English and a high...

You know the age-old comment about sausage: You don’t want to watch it being made. A shudder goes here. I really DON’T want to witness...

Research and My Multiple Personalities
You write what you know? Fagettaboutit! We writers craft stories enriched by research. Primary sources are the best, but we’ll take...

The Importance of Setting in Romance Novels
As you surmised from my last blog entry on re-branding, I’ve learned after writing sixteen books and publishing eight of them, that...

Time to Rethink my Brand. How about you?
The PAN portion of the RWA 2016 Conference in San Diego, offered me a helpful session on BRANDING, pushing me to evaluate where I’ve...